Links to Instagram Shops Can Be Given | Adana Sahne Medya

Influencers who produce professional content on Instagram, one of the most popular social media platforms today, will now be able to receive commission on products sold when they recommend products with payment options. In addition, influencers will also have the chance to add their Instagram shops to their profiles. Here is the news prepared by Sahne Medya editors…

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has announced a new revenue model for people who produce content professionally on Instagram.

What is Affiliate?

According to Mark Zuckerberg's statements, Instagram will pave the way for influencers to receive commissions from products sold through their content by recommending products with Instagram payment options through the Affiliate tool.

Similar to sponsored content, the text “qualifies for commission” will appear under the username.

Testing of the Native Affiliate tool, which is expected to be live in the next few months, will begin in the U.S. Brands including Kopari and Benefit will also be part of this testing process.

It Will Now Be Possible to Link to Instagram Shops

Among the innovations announced by Zuckerberg is the ability to add Instagram shops to profiles. Moreover, we do not need to have a business account to use this feature. Personal accounts will also be able to benefit from this feature.

Support with Tips

Badges will be used for tips on Instagram live broadcasts. The monetary value of these badges can vary between 99 cents and $4.99. In this way, Instagram will create a revenue model between content producers and followers. Influencers who are funded not only by their sponsors but also by their followers will be able to feel more free and independent.

Social Networks Are in a Race to Fund Influencers

Funds provided to content producers are a hot topic in the IT world. As of May, YouTube announced that it would pay $100 million over the next year to content producers who would use YouTube Shorts, which it designed to compete with TikTok. In this way, the company aims to attract more content producers and viewers to YouTube Shorts.

In addition, Snapchat had claimed that influencers who share on Spotlight would be able to earn more than a million dollars a day. TikTok's fund for this is worth $200 million.

Similarly, Clubhouse has begun testing a new feature that will allow people to donate directly to the publishers they follow. This competition between social platforms seems to be the one that will make content creators happy the most.

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Stage Media

Stage Media

16-06-2021 08:30:32

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