Instagram Gives Great Power to Victimized Users

Instagram, which victimized its users due to a short-term crash last week, is taking new steps to protect them. The company, which punishes those who harass people on Instagram, is turning to more deterrent punishments in terms of blocking users.

The victimized user will be able to punish the user who victimized them with the new artificial intelligence that Instagram developed for cyberbullying. In fact, the existing “shadow ban” system will now be available for individuals. Shadow bans prevent individuals who use excessive hashtags and share content that disturbs communities from communicating with other users, and then the posts of the relevant people after the ban are not visible to anyone.

Instagram is introducing a major penalty for both commenters blacklisted by artificial intelligence and those blocked by victimized users. Now, the user will not be able to show the comments of a user they have restricted to anyone other than themselves. In other words, if someone restricts your account, the comment you make on a photo belonging to that person or the content you share about them will only be visible to yourself and that user.

In addition, the restricted person will not be able to directly learn when the account owner who penalized them was active on Instagram or whether they read a message. In addition to all these, Instagram is also implementing other security measures. The American company is coding artificial intelligence to detect and sanction people who write offensive comments. This virtual brain will memorize users who disturb other users with their comments. Aggressive commenters who are added to the list will be faced with a warning question such as “Do you really want to send this comment?” before writing a comment. In this way, they will be given the opportunity to withdraw their comments.

The restriction method, which is currently in the testing phase, aims to reduce verbal or visual harassment incidents to a minimum.

Stage Media

Stage Media

01-01-1970 02:00:00

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