Youtube Introduced Its New Features | Adana Sahne Medya

YouTube, the most popular video sharing site, has implemented a number of innovations to improve user experience and give users more control over their own accounts.

The most notable of these is making it easier for users to access videos in the genres they are interested in. Here are YouTube's new features;

The first of the innovations that YouTube will bring with the iOS and Android update is the ability to hide suggestions from channels that you are not interested in. In fact, there is still such a feature. If you are browsing through suggested videos and you do not find a video interesting or do not want to see it, when you tap the icon next to the video title, there is an option called 'I am not interested'. This option removes that video from the suggested videos. The new feature removes the channel that this video belongs to from your stream. This also prevents you from seeing other videos from the same channel. With this feature, you remove the YouTube channel that the video belongs to from your life.

Another feature offered by YouTube is related to information about suggested videos. YouTube makes video suggestions based on previously watched videos. However, from now on, users will be able to learn more about why a video was suggested. This feature will come into play with the first update to the iOS version of YouTube. Android users will have to wait a little longer.

On the other hand, the filtering feature that YouTube brings to your homepage is also available to Android users. This feature, which allows you to filter videos based on the topics you see on your homepage, will only have English language support for now and will be included in the iOS application in the coming days.

Stage Media

Stage Media

01-01-1970 02:00:00

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