Twitter Tests Safe Friends Feature

Social media platforms continue to develop themselves by taking inspiration from each other. Finally, Twitter has started testing a new feature called “Trusted Friends”. This feature, which allows a shared tweet to be shown only to a limited audience you choose, is reminiscent of the “close friends” feature in Instagram stories. The details of the news prepared by Sahne Media Editors, who manage advertising campaigns on many social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, are as follows:

Twitter, a popular and influential social network worldwide, is preparing a new feature for its users. We all have followers from very different circles on our social network accounts. While we have professional relationships with some, some are our close friends, and some are people we have never met. As such, each share leaves a different impression on each follower. For example, a share about our emotional state or entertainment content may be welcomed by our friends, but may leave a negative impression in the eyes of our teachers or managers at work.

This is where the new feature comes into play, allowing a tweet to be shared with a limited audience of our choosing. The new feature, which resembles Instagram's Close Friends feature, seems to be appreciated by Twitter users.

When this feature, currently called Trusted Friends, becomes active, we will first need to create a list and decide who our trusted friends are.

This is the only functional aspect of the feature, which has a very simple logic. If you are going to share something about your life that you think is private, it is a good idea to make sure that only your close friends can see it.

Twitter is currently testing this feature on a very small user base and it is not known when it will be available. Another question that is being asked is whether it will be available only on mobile devices or on both mobile and desktop versions.

Twitter is a platform that does not like to keep features it has been testing in the past waiting too long, so it is expected to be available soon.

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Stage Media

Stage Media

05-07-2021 11:53:34

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